How to Grant Your Agency Access to Your Google Ads Account

on Blog February 13th, 2025

Locate Your Google Ads Customer ID

Step 1: Log into Google Ads

Visit Google Ads and sign in with your Google account credentials.

Step 2: Find Your 10-Digit Customer ID

Your Customer ID is displayed in the top-left corner of the Google Ads dashboard.

Step 3: Copy and Share Your Account ID

Send this 10-digit number to your PPC account manager. They will use this information to request access from their agency’s MCC account.

Approving Your Agency’s Access Request

Once your agency sends an access request, Google will notify you via email. If you do not receive this email, follow these steps to manually approve the request.

Step 1: Open Google Ads Manager

Go to Google Ads and log in.

Step 2: Navigate to “Access and Security”

Click on the Tools and Settings menu (wrench icon) in the top right corner. From the dropdown, select Access and Security.

Step 3: Go to the “Managers” Tab

In the Access and Security section, select the Managers tab to view pending access requests.

Step 4: Approve the Request

Find the request from your agency and click Approve to grant access.

Step 5: Notify Your PPC Account Manager

After granting access, email your PPC account manager to confirm that the approval has been completed. They will verify that everything is set up correctly and notify you if any additional steps are required.

Keith Eneix

My brother Neil and I founded Fannit in 2010 and set out to help entrepreneurs just like us achieve their dreams of being successful business owners. It’s been a rewarding journey for us, and we love every day of it. Inside of Fannit, I work with both our internal team and our clients to make sure that we have everybody working the right roles and we’re being as efficient as possible as a team. I’m always happy to step in whenever there is a difficult SEO challenge at hand... it’s the element of marketing that I’m most passionate about. We’re all here to get better and grow, and that’s what gets me up in the morning! Connect with me on LinkedIn >